The year is 1861... more specifically, April 16th, 1861, the beginning of the Civil War. President Lincoln has just issued a call for 75,000 volunteer troops to form the Union army for the North.
In Where's Ulysses, your team plays the part of Ulysses S. Grant's Galena confidant, Elihu Washburne, a Harvard-educated lawyer & congressman who was very fond of Grant and met him in the Northwestern Illinois town. On this fateful date in history, Congressman Washburne was looking for Ulysses to have him hold a meeting in the old post office regarding sending volunteers to fight in the Civil War.
Can you FIND Ulysses along Main Street after deciphering all the clues and completing the challenges ?
Good luck & have fun ! ✨
Pictured below: This naval cannon was captured July 3, 1898
from the Spanish Cruiser Vizcaya
at the famous Battle of the Spanish American War.
It is 19 feet long and weighs five tons.